Careers Advice

NOTE _ due to pressure of current work I am unable to provide any services at this time

A career advisor provides a number of very important services such as careers advice and guidance to individuals who wish to enter the workforce, change jobs, or explore new career options.

Careers Advice in Schools & College

Some careers advisors work at high schools or colleges. In recent years the number of careers advisers working in schools and colleges has been drastically reduced and so the chance of getting a careers interview has also been reduced. Only a few years ago every student in year 11 and most of the sixth form would have an individual careers guidance interview with a qualified careers adviser. In many schools this no longer happens and parents need to make alternative, private arrangements for their sonĀ  or daughter to receive careers advice.

Some adviser advisors are self-employed, contracting their services to different clients, writing freelance career advice columns and articles. These careers advisers provide services to both young people and adults.

Careers Advice for Adults

A career advisors will help adults evaluate their interests and abilities and make important decisions about their careers. The interview can help people to move from a general understanding of learning and work to a specific understanding of what are realistic life, learning and work options. Everyone’s Career guidance needs are different and can include career information, career education and career counselling.